Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Going to Denver for Stents Tomorrow

My gastroenteroligist is unable to do my stents - he only does them if they are real simple, but the blockages are way up where the liver bile duct branches. So we are headeded tomorrow to get stent implants in my bile duct on Friday. They will do this by going down through my throat. If that doesn't work, t hey'll go in through the ribs.

I'm sorry that I haven't called anyone from Denver to hook up, but we're not sure what to expect. We're trying to get the American Cancer Society to get us some discounted rooms, but it's short notice, so we may just stay at Motel 6, and try to see Ian for dinner one night. I may have to stay over for observation.

I have to get a blood transfusion in Grand Juctiion tomorrow at 9:30 am to get my platelets up. Then, we'll head to Denver and spend the next two nights there.

If you need to reach me, call Ian, my stepson at 303-368-7756 at home. You may reach his mother Grace. I don't think she'll mind if anyone calls. Or try Motel 6 in Aurora.

I may have to stay one night at the hospital for observation.

I am slowly working my way through e-mails and I know I owe a lot of you responses. I'll try to get caught up soon.

I have scoot, much to do before we leave for Grand Junction at 7am tomorrow.

Just up here in Colorado, going to the doctor almost every day.

Sincerely, Caroline


Hoskins Family said...

Hi Caroline,

Hope your stent placement goes well. I was with Dave at the hospital when he had his stent replaced, done through his mouth. His GI doc was young and aggressive and the nurses were "looking good" so he flirted with them.

His bili counts started going down a few hrs. after the procedure. He stayed at the hospital for one night for observation.

Take care and I will be thinking and praying for you.



Mary Anne said...

Sorry to hear you need to have a stent but hopefuoly that will relieve your jaundice. You re in our prayers and thoughts. God Bless Mary Anne