Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Seven Down, Three to Go

Here are some photos from the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge in San Antonio, NM. Robert and I went there last Sunday morning. There were thousands of birds. The white ones are snow geese and the gray ones are sand hill cranes. I wish somehow I could have captured the sound of the birds - I especially like the crane's calls. I could have sat there all day listening to the birds. It is a very peaceful place.

We had a good time at the mineral symposium. We got to see many friends. We attended the talks and dinner on Saturday, but couldn't stay on Sunday for the lectures and auctions. We did the tail-gate show at the Super 8 Motel, and we were happy with our sales.

We stopped on our way home and saw friends in Durango. Ouray had gotten about a foot of snow while we were gone and coming over Red Mountain Pass was a bit treacherous.

My friend Nancy Wolkin of Ouray took me to radiation today. Alida Allison took me last week on Tuesday. Thanks ladies for the rides!

Okay, bowling scores. Last night, our team was tied for third place before we started to bowl. We took three of four games by a narrow margin against the second place team. I bowled 88, 100, 86 - almost the same as last week. My hip was getting sore by the third game despite taking Ibuprofen.

I get a lot of pain in my lower left abdomen just above the hip area and some pain in the hip bone. I've also been tired. I'll be done with radiation on Friday. We're off to Las Vegas after my Friday treatment to see the Beatles Love show by Cirque du Soleil. Yippee! We'll meet my sisters there and come home on Monday.

So that's it for now. My best to you all. Don't forget to have at least a little fun everyday. And for God's sake, don't forget to eat your fiber.

Just up here in Colorado, enjoying being snug at home on a snowy evening.

Sincerely, Caroline

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